Building Condition Surveys and Quinquennial Surveys

Cademuir Building Consultants’ Building Condition Surveys provide a readily interpretable and simplistic assessment of the physical condition of a building asset and its elemental parts. The scope of the survey can include statutory compliance, health & safety, accessibility and fire safety matters to suit specific requirements. A rating is applied which categorises the condition of each element and the urgency with which repair or maintenance is required. Budget costs for remedial works are provided and this in turn informs future revenue and capital expenditure requirements and assists future budgeting. Building Condition Surveys can also be carried out periodically to track the condition of a property over time. Whilst more commonly provided for commercial property and public sector clients, Building Condition Surveys are equally beneficial for all client types in all sectors.

Quinquennial Surveys (also referred to as Quinquennial Inspections) are Building Condition Surveys undertaken every 5 years. Typically undertaken on church buildings Quinquennial Surveys can equally be undertaken for any built structure where regular and systematic monitoring of physical condition is required.