Historic Wall Repairs, Melrose, Scottish Borders
Cademuir Building Consultants (CBC) were appointed to Project Manage the reconstruction and repair of two historic garden walls in Melrose, Scottish Borders. Both walls date from the mid-18th century and are within the Melrose Conservation Area.
Retail Refurbishment Project Peebles, Scottish Borders
Conservation Advice and Project ManagementCademuir Building Consultants (CBC) were appointed to provide Project Management of the full refurbishment...
Specialist Condition Surveys of Scheduled Monuments, Scottish Highlands
Quinquennial inspections of Scheduled MonumentsCademuir Building Consultants (CBC) were appointed to undertake quinquennial inspections of 2...
Alterations to Listed Building, Private School, Edinburgh
Heritage and Conservation Advice and Project ManagementCademuir Building Consultants (CBC) were appointed to assist with the replacement of windows...
Extension, alteration and Refurbishment of Listed Building Heriot, Scottish Borders
Alteration and extension of a Category B listed gate lodgeCademuir Building Consultants (CBC) were initially appointed to design the alteration and...
Residential Refurbishment Project Morningside, Edinburgh
Project Management and Contract AdministrationCademuir Building Consultants (CBC) were initially appointed to undertake a Building Survey of a...
Residential Refurbishment Project Rural Cottage, Hawick, Scottish Borders
Project Management and Contract AdministrationCademuir Building Consultants (CBC) were initially appointed to undertake a Building Survey of a...
4 King Edward Street, Perth, Perthshire
Repair and Conservation Project ManagementCademuir Building Consultants were initially appointed to undertake a Building Survey of 4 King Edward...
Flood Damage Reinstatement Peebles, Scottish Borders
Project ManagementFollowing the December 2015 floods, Craig delivered the repair and reinstatement of a flood damaged 1900’s residential building in...
Historic Listed Building Repairs, West Linton, Scottish Borders
Listed Building Repair ProjectCademuir Building Consultants (CBC) have been involved in a number of substantial repair projects to a fine Scottish...