Project Monitoring & Client Representative

Representing funders and investors or Clients directly Cademuir Building Consultants (CBC) can provide Project Monitoring and Client Representative services across Scotland and northern England.

Project Monitoring representations are delivered throughout a project’s life to ensure that a project risks are identified, understood and satisfactorily addressed and that interests are protected prior to funding agreements being entered into. Regular visits to the project site to monitor the works progress and quality of workmanship are central to this role. Reviewing interim and final valuations for work undertaken and reporting thereon to funders and lenders prior to release of payments is a vital element of the Project Monitor’s duty to limit exposure to financial risk.

CBC can also provide the more extensive role of Client Representative (also termed Employer’s Agent), effectively acting as agent on behalf of a Client which may extend to project co-ordination, contract administration and project monitoring as required; ensuring that the project brief is well defined and fully adhered to by the professional team and contractor throughout to secure the successful outcome of a project. The scope and extent of service provision can be tailored to suit a Client’s requirements.