Conservation Advice and Project Management

Cademuir Building Consultants (CBC) were appointed to provide Project Management of the full refurbishment of a retail property in Peebles, Scottish Borders. The 2 storey retail unit forms part of a traditionally constructed mixed-use building located within the Peebles Conservation Area.
The scope of the refit works included an external refurbishment and face-lift. The original brief was for the historic shop front to be replaced. CBC advised that the shopfront was repairable and ought to be retained, it being only one of only a few traditional shopfronts remaining within the Conservation Area. With detailed assessment of condition, carefully specified conservation repair works to address extensive timber decay and close supervision by CBC, it was possible to fully salvage and retain the shopfront including the original glass. Internal refit works included new suspended ceilings, wall linings, lighting and floor finishes. The store rooms were refurbished and the dated WC altered to an ambulant disabled WC.
Services provided by CBC included:
- Building Survey.
- Development of Client’s brief.
- Design and specification of all works including the conservation repairs to the shopfront.
- Tendering to selected contractors and full procurement services.
- Project Management of project works.
- Contract Administration of the project works.